Because of the popularity of cancer immunotherapy and monoclonal antibody drugs, biopharmaceuticals have entered the fast lane of technology iteration. While pursuing the upgrading of production capacity, biopharmaceuticals have made great efforts to improve the biological activity and process optimization of products. In addition, they have put forward higher requirements for the professionalization of various links in the industrial chain.
With a comprehensive cell, molecular and immune product line, Genetime Excell Bio can provide high-quality imported fetal bovine serum, serum-free medium and other core reagents for cell culture and related products for the biopharmaceutical industry, as well as qPCR Mix, ELISA detection kit and other transcription and translation detection and identification tools.

  • Fetal Bovine Serum(Defined)(FSD500)

    sketch ExCell Bio fetal bovine serum is collected from healthy cattle in non epidemic areas, and ...
    applyPreparation of reagents related to cell culture, preparation of blocking and diluents in immune reactions, research and development of antibodies, viruses, and vaccines, and production
    specs500 ml,100 ml,50 ml
  • Fetal Bovine Serum(Prime)(FSP500)

    sketch ExCell Bio fetal bovine serum is collected from healthy cattle in non epidemic areas, and ...
    applyPreparation of cell culture related reagents; Preparation of blocking solution and diluent in immune reaction; Development and production of antibodies, viruses, and vaccines
    specs500 ml,100 ml,50 ml
  • Fetal Bovine Serum(Defined)(FND500)

    sketch ExCell Bio fetal bovine serum is collected from healthy cattle in non epidemic areas, and ...
    applyPreparation of cell culture related reagents; Preparation of blocking solution and diluent in immune reaction; Development and production of antibodies, viruses, and vaccines
    specs500 ml,100 ml,50 ml
  • New-born Calf Serum(Ordinary) (NNC500)

    sketch ExCell newborn bovine serum is collected from healthy cattle in non epidemic areas, and is...
    applyPreparation of blocking and diluting solutions in immune reactions, production of viruses and vaccines
    specs500 ml,100 ml,50 ml
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